
Elder Club

Are there girls going to do anything release wise? Maeda is the only one, and probably the least expected. I figured Nacchi or Yuko would be the first. Her sales are lower than theirs, not that I don't love her but I just don't understand. Melon Kinenbi was very active and then went *BOOM*. Suddenly, they were doing decent but I guess they were sick of being the bottom of the barrel. Yaguchi (no suprise) and Miki have been appearing in many many TV shows and figured they'd do something. Yaguchi did some boring anime work but that I don't consider a real solo work release. Tsuji did a CM song, again doesn't count in my book. The other girls never appear unless with each other, like in Utaban or special TV shows. Their careers are just rotting away. I know Aya said she wants a break from touring, but she's done small dinner stuff since them. Nacchi released a live DVD. Ongaku Gatas did a indies release that I barely remember, but still tour. How the hell they do that off like three singles and an album I don't know. The set lists are just a bunch of other H!P songs. Yuko and Iida are complete mysteries, especially Iida. She's barely done anything since back off maturnity leave, only concerts/TV. Yuko is a complete WTF. I know she does small dinner stuff. Keichan is sticking to what she's always done - nothing.... but small lives with other members. Makoto is doing theater/plays, which is next to nothing interesting.


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