V.8 - China!



I get hurt a lot as a female singer.
Since I’m in a girl group, people judge me on all kinds of things from my vocals to my body so it’s really hard on me. All girl group members feel this way.

Netizens and even foreign fans can be so mean. Don't like someone for whatever reason? I suggest not reading/looking at stuff about them. I can't stand SNSD with a passion and could hate on them for hours but I don't. Nor do I read stuff about them because it'd just make me mad.

I wouldn't want them to hear how much I hate them because they haven't done anything PERSONALLY to me. Just the image, management, and concept I don't like; which in reality is what I'm really angry about. Not the members in general, which when people backtalk members in groups I truly don't get why.

You don't know them personally and never will you can't HATE them. You can be indifferent or not a fan, but I don't see how you can personally attack them.

The fans who talk like that make me crazy. Sorry this was so serious, enjoy some weird Amber.

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